There once was a young girl named Grace, who just loved playing games with her younger brother, named Henry—they were best of friends. One day their daddy came home from work and yells “Hi I’m home”. Henry and Grace jumped up and ran to him. “I have a surprise for you” he whispers. Henry and Grace’s eyes nearly popped out of their heads. “What is it daddy? Is it a puppy?” they asked in unison. Laughing “No, no kids, it’s even better…we are going on holidays”. “We are going to Fiji and Grandma is coming with us too” … Henry and Grace jumped up “yippee”, they screamed.
The very next morning, Henry and Grace helped mummy and daddy pack their bags for their holiday and they jumped in the car, picked up Grandma on the way to the airport and off they went.
They all were so excited. This was the first time Henry and Grace had been overseas, in a big aeroplane, and they played games together the whole way.
A few hours later Henry, Grace and their family arrived in Fiji. They were surrounded by palm trees; blue water and they could hardly wait to swim. “Wow, this is amazing!” Grace shouts. They had so many fun things planned. Immediately Henry and Grace put on their swimmers and had fun swimming in the pool with Grandma. They were having so much fun and then suddenly, a big green parrot flew away with Grandma’s towel. Henry and Grace laughed watching grandma chasing after the parrot “Give me back my towel” she yelled.
The next day, Henry and Grace went for a swim at the beach with mummy and daddy and out of the blue, a crested iguana ran away down the beach wearing their mother’s hat. “Come back here you!” yelled their mummy. Henry, Grace, and their daddy laughed so much, watching mummy run along the beach chasing the iguana.
The very next day, Henry and Grace were building sandcastles with Grandma, while mummy and daddy went kayaking in the ocean. They were so funny; mummy and daddy nearly fell into the water so many times. A few days later daddy was relaxing and had fallen asleep in a hammock but all of a sudden, he was woken up when a coconut fell from a tree landing right on his head—hee hee. Poor daddy!
The holiday was coming to an end, Henry and Grace had so much fun; they could hardly keep their eyes open during the flight home. They all thanked Grandma and dropped her home and almost immediately Henry and Grace fell asleep. So, on arriving home, mummy and daddy scooped up Henry and Grace in their arms took them inside and quietly tucked them into bed.
Sweet Dreams Henry and Grace, good night!